Friday, April 20, 2012

Kissing the thumbs upon hearing the blessed name of RasoolAllah (Peace be Upon Him)

As salam-o-liekum brothers and sisters,

Once, Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) entered the Masjid and sat down near a pillar. Hazrat Sayidnah Abu Bakr Siddique (Radhi Allah ho Anho) was seated beside him. Hazrat Sayidnah Bilal (Radhi Allah ho Anho) then stood up and commenced with the Azaan. When he said: "Ash hadu Ana Muhammadur Rasoolullah", Hazrat Sayidnah Abu Bakr Siddique (Radhi Allah ho Anho) placed both the thumb nails on to his eyes and said "Qurratu Aini bika Ya Rasulallah" (Ya RasoolAllah! You are the coolness of my eyes). When Hazrat Sayidnah Bilal (Radhi Allah ho Anho) completed the Azaan, Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) said, "O Abu Bakr! Whosoever does like you have done, Almighty Allah will forgive all his sins."
(Tafseer Roohul Bayaan)

Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) said, "Whosoever has touched the name Muhammad ((Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) with his hands, then kissed his hand with his lips and rubbed it on his eyes, then he will see Allah Ta'ala just as the righteous ones see and my intercession will be close to him even though he is a sinner."
(An Nawafi ul Atri'aa)

In Jannah, when Hazrat Adam (Alay his Salam) desired to meet Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam), Allah Ta'ala sent Wahi (revelation) to him, "From your generation, he will become apparent in the later years". Then Hazrat Adam (Alay his Salam) desired from Allah Ta’ala to meet Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) . Allah Ta’ala showed him the Noor of Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) on the Shahadat finger of his right hand. The Noor recited the Tasbeeh of Allah Ta'ala. It is for this reason that this finger is known as the Kalima finger. Allah Ta'ala showed the beauty of Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) on both the thumbnails of Hazrat Adam (Alay his Salam) like a mirror. Then, Hazrat Adam (Alay his Salam) kissed both his thumbnails and turned them over his eyes.

Thus, this Sunnah of Hazrat Adam (Alay his Salam) became consistent in his descendants. When Hazrat Jibraeel Ameen (Alay his Salam) informed Sayidnah RasoolAllah (Salal lah Aley hi Wasalam) of this, he said, "That person, who when hearing my name in Azaan, kisses his thumb nails and turns it over his eyes, he shall never go blind."
(Tafseer Roohul Bayaan)

Jazakh Allahu Khair


  1. Im sure, Thats so great blog brada *_*, dun stop 4 wrting, coz I'll always wait d new urs :D

  2. Inshallah.. sister.. Keep support here new.. :P . so you just suggest more..
